Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 27 January 1964
(Volume 133, Issue 2B)

Theory of the Anharmonicity in the Vibrational Motion of Even-Even Spherical Nuclei
Giu Do Dang and Abraham Klein
pp. B257-B267 [View   PDF (1754 kB) ]

Empirical Rules for Predicting Ground-State Spins of Light Nuclei
Tannie Stovall
pp. B268-B269 [View   PDF (367 kB) ]

Quadrupole Moment of Li6
Lennard Wharton, L. Peter Gold, and William Klemperer
pp. B270-B272 [View   PDF (704 kB) ]

Electric Quadrupole Transitions in Odd-Mass Spherical Nuclei
Raymond A. Sorensen
pp. B281-B284 [View   PDF (804 kB) ]

Spin-23/2- Isomer of Lu177
P. Alexander, F. Boehm, and E. Kankeleit
pp. B284-B290 [View   PDF (1252 kB) ]

Decay Scheme of Fm255
F. Asaro, S. Bjørnholm, and I. Perlman
pp. B291-B300 [View   PDF (2329 kB) ]

Reference Spectrum Method for the Boundary-Condition Model of Nuclear Forces
M. Razavy and Donald W. Sprung
pp. B300-B309 [View   PDF (1812 kB) ]

Isobaric Yield Distributions in the Interaction of 1.8-GeV Protons with Zr96, Mo96, and Ru96
Norbert T. Porile and Larry B. Church
pp. B310-B317 [View   PDF (1384 kB) ]

Elastic Scattering of Protons by Fe56, Fe58, and Ni58 at 10.9 and 11.7 MeV
J. Benveniste, A. C. Mitchell, and C. B. Fulmer
pp. B317-B322 [View   PDF (1226 kB) ]

Proton Scattering by Isobars and Single Isotopes
J. Benveniste, A. C. Mitchell, B. Buck, and C. B. Fulmer
pp. B323-B329 [View   PDF (1183 kB) ]

Parity Nonconservation in Nuclei
F. Curtis Michel
pp. B329-B349 [View   PDF (3760 kB) ]

Some (d) Reactions on Be9, F19, and Al27 at 27.5 MeV
S. Mayo, J. Testoni, and O. M. Bilaniuk
pp. B350-B352 [View   PDF (554 kB) ]

Nuclear Levels of F20
Carl T. Hibdon
pp. B353-B369 [View   PDF (3075 kB) ]

The Ta181(d,p)Ta182 Reaction and a Band-Mixing Analysis of the Observed Energy Levels
J. R. Erskine and W. W. Buechner
pp. B370-B377 [View   PDF (1575 kB) ]

Yields of Polonium and Bismuth Nuclides from Bi209 and Recoil Studies of Bi209 (p,p2n) Bi207 Reaction at 450 MeV
William R. Pierson and Nathan Sugarman
pp. B384-B389 [View   PDF (1261 kB) ]

Neutron-Induced Fission Cross Section of Pu241 Below 11 eV
T. Watanabe and O. D. Simpson
pp. B390-B391 [View   PDF (275 kB) ]

Energy Spectra of Neutrons Emitted Following π- Capture in C, A1, Cd, Pb, and U
H. L. Anderson, E. P. Hincks, C. S. Johnson, C. Rey, and A. M. Segar
pp. B392-B403 [View   PDF (2228 kB) ]

Neutron Transfer in N14 (N14,N13)N15 at Low Energies
G. Breit, K. W. Chun, and H. G. Wahsweiler
pp. B403-B408 [View   PDF (1269 kB) ]

Λ-Nucleon Interactions at Low and Intermediate Energies
Budh Ram and B. W. Downs
pp. B420-B428 [View   PDF (1691 kB) ]

Spin and Parity Analysis at All Production Angles
Murray Peshkin
pp. B428-B430 [View   PDF (572 kB) ]

Annihilation Production p+p̅ →Λ+Λ̅
C. H. Chan
pp. B431-B439 [View   PDF (1281 kB) ]

Inelastic π+π-, K0K̅ 0, and K+K- Collisions in Unitary Symmetry
W. W. Wada
pp. B439-B443 [View   PDF (765 kB) ]

Polarization Effects in the Production of Intermediate Bosons
H. Überall
pp. B444-B453 [View   PDF (1331 kB) ]

Associated Production of ΛK at the ΣK Threshold
Joseph Keren
pp. B457-B460 [View   PDF (595 kB) ]

Average Λ-Nucleon Interaction in the Hypertriton
D. R. Smith and B. W. Downs
pp. B461-B465 [View   PDF (918 kB) ]

A Dynamical Calculation of the η→3 π Decay Rate
Barbara Barrett and G. Barton
pp. B466-B474 [View   PDF (1439 kB) ]

Electromagnetic and Decay Properties of G2 Multiplets
A. J. Macfarlane, N. Mukunda, and E. C. Sudarshan
pp. B475-B477 [View   PDF (464 kB) ]

A Field Theory of Weak Interactions. II
G. Feinberg and A. Pais
pp. B477-B486 [View   PDF (1540 kB) ]

Hamiltonian Model of Lorentz Invariant Particle Interactions
T. F. Jordan, A. J. Macfarlane, and E. C. Sudarshan
pp. B487-B496 [View   PDF (1475 kB) ]

Excited States of the Nucleon
P. Carruthers
pp. B497-B514 [View   PDF (3103 kB) ]

Effect of the Baryon Excited States on the N and Λ-Λ Forces
Y. Nogami and F. J. Bloore
pp. B514-B521 [View   PDF (1131 kB) ]

Target-Momentum and Nonlocal Effects in the High-Energy Optical Potential
R. E. Schenter and B. W. Downs
pp. B522-B528 [View   PDF (1282 kB) ]

Anisotropy of μ-Rich Air Showers
S. Sakakibara and Y. Sekido
pp. B529-B531 [View   PDF (494 kB) ]

Complete Spin Tests for Fermions
M. Ademollo and R. Gatto
pp. B531-B541 [View   PDF (1248 kB) ]